Transcripciones BLC

Welcome to Babilon Language Coaching!

A leader in audio transcription in Mexico.

Secure and Confidential Transcription Services

File security is an issue we take very seriously here at Babilon Language Coaching, S.C. We strive to ensure that your files are always handled with discretion and care. All our transcriptionists sign confidentiality agreements before they commence work with us.


Here at Babilon Language Coaching, we take the time to build a good working relationship with our clients, to listen to their needs and ensure that they get the transcription service they deserve. We believe in providing professional, accurate and high-quality transcripts for each and every project.

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Masters in Complex Recordings

We have become experts in deciphering complex recordings due to our longevity in the industry. Our sought-after team is incredibly experienced and able to interpret multiple speakers, dialects, pitches and sounds, turning verbal conversations into legible, clear transcripts. Audio transcriptions are carried out in your field by our team of experts.

Accurate Audio Transcription

When using the services of a transcription company, there should be no need to correct their errors. Since 1996, we are proud to have delivered exceptionally high quality documents from audio transcription. Our researchers and proofreaders take care to ensure that we have used the correct abbreviations, acronyms and terms, spelled correctly, and as they have been spoken.

Easy-to-read Documents

We maintain standardized templates created with your needs in mind. Our transcripts are presented in visually appealing, easy-to-read document styles that can be altered with your details.

Virtual, but Approachable

Working remotely does not have to mean detached. If you need to speak to us or ask us a question, we are available by telephone or email, and always happy to help.

Comprehensive Research

We carry out our research up front, to save you time. We make it our job to familiarize ourselves with your terminology, to avoid hours of double-checking our work.

Ecologically Sound

As a purely virtual business, we are completely paperless. Our carbon footprint is extremely low, which means you are dealing with a green supplier – just one way to offset your own carbon footprint.

Turn-around Times

Our transcriptionists, editors and proofreaders work round the clock, even on weekends and holidays. This ensures that there are no delays or time lags in your work schedule. By trusting us with your transcription services, we ensure that you receive your transcripts when you need them. One of the reasons we have managed to stay at the top in this competitive industry is our quick turn-around times, without compromising on the accuracy of the transcripts.

We also have some of the best response times in the industry, which starts with responding to your enquiry, instant price quote and Free Transcription Trial.

Our clients